What is a Disciple?

When Peter first met Jesus, he did not consider himself worthy to be a disciple. He told Jesus, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Jesus, however, had a different plan: he tells Peter to follow him, saying, “do not be afraid” (Luke 5:8-9).

Our Lord wants the same thing from each of us. Jesus calls us to follow Him unconditionally - in our faith and prayer, our talents and treasures. Here at Queen of Peace, we are in our Discipleship Commitment Weekends, in which we have an opportunity to respond to His call to “leave everything and follow Him.” He repeats to us what He told Peter: do not be afraid!

¿Qué es un discípulo?

Cuando Pedro conoció a Jesús por primera vez, no se consideraba digno de ser un discípulo. Él le dijo a Jesús: "¡Apártate de mí, Señor, porque soy un pecador!". Sin embargo, Jesús tenía un plan diferente: le dice a Pedro que lo siga y le dice: "no temas" (Lucas 5: 8-9).

Nuestro Señor quiere lo mismo de cada uno de nosotros. Jesús quiere que lo sigamos sin reservas, en nuestra fe y oración, y con nuestros talentos y bienes. Aquí en Reina de la Paz, nos acercamos a los fines de semana del discipulado, en los que tendremos la oportunidad de responder a su llamado a "dejarlo todo y seguirlo". Jesús nos dice lo mismo que le había dicho a Pedro: ¡no temas!

“4 Pillars” of Discipleship


Our true identity is rooted in our baptism: we are children of God


We trust our Father, who has given us everything we have


In recognizing His goodness to us, our response is gratitude to Him


We respond to God’s goodness with charity and love. We have a need to give. We return to Him the best of our prayer, talent, treasure because He has loved us first.

Have a question about Discipleship?

Contact our Director of Discipleship: Johnathon Prather at johnathon.prather@queenofpeace.net.